Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Final Fantasy X

在一個無聊又不想做事既旁晚,不明所以又看了 Final Fantasy X 的 Video。
又再看一回 Yuna 捉不住 Tidus 的一幕,都還是覺得好好看和感人的。


Final Fantasy 是我玩得最多的一個遊戲系列之一。除此之外,應該都是 Mario Serious (Nitendo) 同 Winning Eleven 系列。Final Fantasy 由 IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, X, X-2 都玩過。由頭都尾都是玩英文版,故事都是自己由頭睇到尾。感覺與看攻略本又好不同。

在 VI 以後,由於遊戲畫面提昇,故事既震憾力愈來愈強。而 Final Fantasy,對我個人而言是一部電子小說。當然,在 IV, V, VI 的英文是比較爛的。到了後來 VII, VII, X 和重做的 III, IV, 裡頭的對白看來有重新寫過,好看和順口多了。

另外值得一提,就是 Final Fantasy 系列的配樂一直都很出色。全部歌曲都是 Square 自己創作。順便一提,當年王菲亦曾經唱過 Final Fantasy VIII 的 Ending 歌曲,可惜 VIII 的故事不是太過好。

Final Fantasy 有一個好幾個中文的譯名。最終幻想,應該是有台灣方面譯的,因為當年香港的電玩雜誌都是參巧台灣的雜誌。到後來好像多了一個香港的譯名,叫太空戰士。但是從來而何都不得而知了。

如果時間許可,或許會重玩 Final Fantasy IV, VII 和 X。

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Cake) @ Singapore


回應返上次寫關於中國鬼節既文章 (http://matchkk.blogspot.com/2008/08/pray-for-7th-month.html),好像這裡的人會做一些現代中國人已經不再做的事。


如過不是經過 Chinatown,好像都不知道有這一個節日。


Tuesday, 9 September 2008

About my blog.

I had started my first since 1998. There was no such term that time, even the "Online diary" was used later. It was just written using HTML with Microsoft Word / Frontpage. Writing web page was a "skill" that time, no tool was available to make it easier. So it was not very popular. Most of my classmates just made their homepage because it was their first IT assignment. Then the homepage would wait to die.

There was no specific topic in my "blog" and the access count was around 10-20 a day. The "blog" was hosted in the web page account in UST.

After leaving UST, I did not have any web page account. The blog had started its immigrant life. From UST to home web server using apache, apache to online storage, online storage to msn live, msn live to blogspot. I was trying xanga before but no good. I think.

Few years back I had my backup of the old blog, it was actually very fun when you read what you had written many years back. Some of the backup were gone and there was no way to recover it. Sad. Hope one day I could find some of them and share with you.

My msn live blog is still alive, take a look.


Monday, 1 September 2008


Still Remember that time when I was needed to go to India quite often, one of the most common questions was "Is India (or Delhi) very hot?". Usually, I would say that actually Hong Kong is hotter than India. This is because the tempature is similar but Hong Kong is far more humid than Delhi. Delhi also has more open space and in the night time it could be cold.

Today, just check my igoogle as usual. When my eye just pass by the weather forcast porlet, I see this:
So in reality, Hong Kong is really more hotter than Delhi. My god!