Sunday, 29 March 2009


以下的圖片是今日 (27/3/2009)的蘋果頭條。

巴士減價,理由是油價和其它各樣物價都在下跌,跟據可加可減機制,巴士要減價。減幅是 3.03%。可是,根據政府人仕消息,政府需要巴士公司提交財務資料,包括未來兩年的經營數據,如油價、成本,一併考慮。據知,巴士公司在加價後客量雖下跌,收入已有增加。


半年後,香港人死晒~ ^_^


相反,在星加坡, 減左,四月一號實行。


Wednesday, 25 March 2009





可是,在星加坡幾個月,從未有見過孫燕姿的踪影。直至一至看見巴士站的以下 Poster。

如果注意得到,在 Poster 中,吃飯了嗎對下有一些小字,可能看不到。但是它寫的是孫燕姿,在我感覺而言,通常來說是不太有名的人才有名字出的。最少,我在這兒看到的劉德華和成龍的 Poster,不會寫著他們是劉德華和成龍(PS: 在這兒成龍好像很... 受歡迎的)。

早一陣子在香港,在銅鑼灣 Sogo 對面有一張 Adidas 的 Poster,主題是 Me, Myself。
主角就是孫燕姿,說她做了 17 下什麼的運動。

在星加坡,也有同一個主題的 Adidas,但就是搵幾個鬼婆,講返 D 咁上下既野。


Bus Service in Singapore

在星加坡,公共交通工具既選擇不多。只有地鐵,巴士, 輕鐵,的士。

例如西貢,如果西貢人只可以坐 92號,我想西貢沒有現在的多人居住。

小巴的定位是介乎地鐵 / 巴士既大型交通工具香的士的一個平衡。

好像以下我經常坐的巴士的收費表,最低收費 S$1 (~HK$5.2),最高 S$1.9 (~HK9.88)。而只係坐三個地鐵站,就要 $1.4,香港已經可以由黃大仙坐到出尖沙咀。



最後,這兒的巴士服務,令我最能欣賞的是有一個用 SMS 查詢下一班巴士到站的預計時間,頗準的。使用方法是發一個由兩組數字組成的短信,第一組數字是巴士站號碼,第二組數字是巴是號碼。之後便會收到一個回信告知要查詢的巴士幾多分鐘後才到站。記下一些常用的巴士站號碼後,這一個服務什為實用。

Friday, 13 March 2009

PMP Training in Singapore

In a nothing to do evening, surfing the web, trying to find some training materials in Singapore. PMP is a common topic. When I was trying to ask for further information for a PMP course in Singapore. I was asked to provide email and some details about organization.

After the details were provided, I got the email below:

Dear Match Cheng,

Thanks for requesting information on the PMP exam preparation program. Just this action alone shows that you are serious about your career, and want to grow, build and take charge of your future. No mean feat! I would like to congratulate you for taking this first step towards achieving this great credential.

The Project Management Professional (or PMP) certification has become the de facto certification for project managers. Some companies even demand it in their job specifications. Just having the words "PMP" printed on your business card can have a great effect on your prospects, customers and friends.

Getting a PMP certification is not difficult. It just requires that you follow the right approach, take the right steps, read the right material, and do the practice tests. If you follow the regular schedule, you can be ready to take the PMP test in as little as 60 days.

The PMP examination is based on your experience as a project manager, your ability to solve problems, and a strong foundation in Project Management.

Once you understand the PMP exam's format, terminology, style, and learn the Project Management fundamental basics, you will be in a on your way to clear the PMP examination quickly, and without hassles.

In the next email, I'll send you more information about PMI & the PMP examination format. Till then...

All the Best & Cheers to your PMP Aspirations.

Donald Tsang,
Master Trainer
Mud Q Training Center.

The name Donald Tsang and Mud Q training Center are fake, but the interesting part to me is the "Master Trainer".
This title, ho chi ho scary gum.

In Hong Kong, when I registered a course for the same purpose, I will be called by a sales man after 5 minutes.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

DA21 隨影

Pentax DA21 已經收埋左一段時間,因為有一段時間發覺佢 D 相好似唔係咁好,但係近日發現 有無用 Hood 同相片出尼既 Quality 有直接既關係,結果早一排係香港就買返一塊 43mm 既 Filter,可以裝入 DA21 本身既 Hood 入邊。因為咁,我既 DA21 獲得重生。

其實,早一論用緊 DA*16-50 既時侯,已經係某一 D 相入片,一眼已經知道係 DA21 影出尼。而開頭係無呢一個感覺既。直至用過 DA18-55 / DA50-200 -> DA40 / DA21 -> DA18-250 -> DA*16-50。再睇返 DA21 D 相,先至發現呢個鏡頭可愛之處。

想影 Wide 可以,Close up 得,Snap Shot 都一流。

雖然最近入手 FA43,但係今日都影左好多隨拍照。

下個星期好似有 Pentax 活動,睇下到時我會用 DA21 定係 FA43 啦。

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Arshavin - English football has surprised me

Of course, either his move or English football would not surprise me.

But the last sentence from his Arsenal TV inteview caught my interest:

"I had no solid plans [of moving to London]. But I already thought about England and moreover English is an international language and can be handy everywhere. All experienced people said that the better you know the language the easier it will be. And even if I had not left Russia, knowledge of a foreign language cannot be a waste."